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Celebrating Cauvery

Current Situation

A workshop on the 13th of March, 2004 was held at Vikasana, a school supporting ecological and community development. About fifty children attended the workshop to creatively celebrate Cauvery, and the feel of the morning was of �Rivers of Pictures and Flow of Words�. The children here were grouped by age. Children below seven years expressed their enthusiasm for rivers through colours on chart papers and even on the walls of the school, with full encouragement from Vikasana. The children between seven and eleven listened to the history and glory of rivers. Those above eleven watched a short film on Bangalore�s tanks, their slow but sure disappearance, and the precarious water situation in Bangalore.

Sangam is the confluence of rivers Cauvery and Arkavathy about 90 Kms from Bangalore on Kanakapura road. Mekedatu, a fantastic gorge formed by the Cauvery, is a major picnic spot, bringing thousands of people every weekend. Sadly, there is little responsibility demonstrated in enjoying nature�s grandeur. The place is littered with alcohol, plastic bottles and other rubbish. To commemorate this International Day on Rivers on March 14, our team supported by Canara Bank went to Sangam with the aim of spreading awareness amongst people to understand the need of responsibly enjoying nature and its beauty. Placards and posters were put up in the parking area and visitors were engaged in informal discussions on importance of rivers in their day to day lives. A few of them got involved with the team in collecting the garbage strewn by mindless picnic partakers. It took less than two hours to fill ten garbage sacks within the radius of a quarter kilometer which were then promptly deposited at the Department for Wildlife and Conservatory Office, Kanakpura. A strong representation was made to Mr. Vijay Lal Meena (IFS), the Deputy Conservator of Forests to do its duty as per the Forest Protection Act and make Sangam a Litter Free Zone. In the absence of Government department taking any measures, we promise to return with more volunteers to emphasis the need of such reforms.

ESG is an independent not-for-profit organisation that promotes the cause of environmental and social justice through research, documentation, advocacy, training and campaign support. We aim to support the rights of local communities and voiceless ecosystems in a responsible, progressive manner that keeps contextual complexities in mind.