Preserving India's Biodiversity
(download invite - PDF, 135 KB)
Environment Support Group
[Environmental, Social Justice and Governance Initiatives]
Invites you to
"Guardians of Biodiversity"
"Guardians of Biodiversity"
A Workshop
Saturday, the 22nd of May 2010
2 pm to 7 pm at Environment Support Group,
Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bangalore
On the occasion of the International Day for Biodiversity, & in commemoration of United Nations' International year of Biodiversity
According to the recently released UN Global Biodiversity Report "There is a high risk of dramatic biodiversity loss and accompanying degradation of a broad range of ecosystem services if ecosystems are pushed beyond certain thresholds or tipping points. The poor would face the earliest and most severe impacts of such changes, but ultimately all societies and communities would suffer." Calling for "urgent action... to reduce the direct drivers of biodiversity loss", the report states "better decisions for biodiversity must be made at all levels and in all sectors, in particular the major economic sectors, and government has a key enabling role to play."
The workshop will provide participants a deep understanding of the multiple values of biodiversity conservation and International and National legal provisions and social safeguards available to protect our living ecosystems. The focus will be on taking proactive personal and institutional actions by working with different sections of our government and society to make change happen.
Participate in "Guardians of Biodiversity" and be informed of the power you have to safeguard our planet: fully, meaningfully and responsibly.
To register call ESG or email /
ESG is an independent not-for-profit organisation that promotes the cause of environmental and social justice through research, documentation, advocacy, training and campaign support. We aim to support the rights of local communities and voiceless ecosystems in a responsible, progressive manner that keeps contextual complexities in mind.