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Educational Programs

Experiential Education and Training

Youth Workshops

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Combating Climate Change
A summer workshop for children (ages 10 -14)
April 19-23 2010

Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge facing the world today and we need to help children understand the causes and impacts of our changing environment and how we contribute to it. There have been several conventions, coalitions and conferences held on Climate change across the globe and world leaders have discussed and debated, scientists have revealed studies and reports documenting its possible impacts on mankind and biodiversity. People are increasingly becoming aware of its potential risks and many people have changed to an alternate way of living.

It is time children understand this environmental threat and be reassured that it is possible to mitigate climate change. This workshop aims to provide an overview of the causes and consequences and explore the ways in which each of us can make a real difference.

The workshop is spread over five days and will include indoor and outdoor sessions that are filled with fun learning activities through films, field visits, stories, games and experiments. In addition to the impacts on environment and health, the workshop will help understand how it will affect our farming and food security. The workshop will take children through a learning journey to understand, appreciate and explore some of our traditional lifestyles that are environmentally, culturally and economically far more feasible through which we can reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

Workshop Dates
- April 19th � 23rd 2010
- Environment Support Group
Registrations Open

Contact: Sruthi/Bhargavi on phone or email
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

We are open to organizing similar workshops at institutions, schools, neighbourhoods, corporate houses, resident welfare associations, etc. during April and May 2010

Institutional enquiries may be addressed to Bhargavi S. Rao, Coordinator (Education and Training) at ESG: [email protected].

ESG is an independent not-for-profit organisation that promotes the cause of environmental and social justice through research, documentation, advocacy, training and campaign support. We aim to support the rights of local communities and voiceless ecosystems in a responsible, progressive manner that keeps contextual complexities in mind.

Want to know more?

For more information on ESG's educational programs, write to Bhargavi at ESG

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