Coinciding with Japanese Prime Minister Mr. Yoshiro Mori's visit to India, Friends of the Earth-Japan and Environment Support Group, Bangalore, initiated a Campaign appealing the Japanese Government not to allow for further iron ore imports from mining in the Kudremukh National Park, Karnataka.
Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd. has been mining here for over two decades, and despite serious environmental impacts and threat to wildlife habitats due to its environmentally irresponsible actions, is proposing to continuing its mining efforts and expansions as well. Distressingly, the Indian Prime Minister's Office has backed their disastrous plans, even as opposition is widespread to mining in these rare forests of the Western Ghats, that also form a critical watershed for three major South Indian rivers, Tunga, Bhadra and the Netravathi.
Japan imports over a third of the ore from the Kudremukh mines, and the appeal which has already been submitted to the visiting Prime Minister, calls for his efforts to help protect forests in India, by restraining Japanese imports.
Enclosed is the appeal along with the list of endorsers, and we are happy to say that the list includes large and effective International and Indian environmental organisations.
Leo F. Saldanha
Environment Support Group
Development Finance and Environment Programme
Friends of the
Earth - Japan
Encl.: As above