Representation to the Deputy Commissioner of Uttara Kannada District, Karnataka, providing scientific justification and legal grounds against according permission to the Dandeli Mini-Hydel Project of Ms/ Murdeshwar Power Corporation Ltd. in accordance with process initiated at the Environmental Public Hearing for the project held at Dandeli on 03 January 2001 per the Environment Impact Assessment Notification of the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests
"the State Environmental Clearance Committee has discussed the subject of the issue of Environmental Clearance to your project located at Uttara Kannada dist. proposed during the Global Investors Meet. The Committee has opined that it is necessary to obtain Environmental clearance to your project as per Environment Impact Assessment Notification issued by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. Accordingly it is requested to submit the details of your project in the Application form enclosed to this letter to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India. You are also requested to contact officials of the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board immediately regarding the submission of Environment Impact Assessment Report and public hearing in respect of your project."
This representation is annexed at Annexure A.
"Sudipto Das, Director of Environmental Services, Ernst & Young, claims that the one mistake they could have made is in 'not attributing the source of the data'. But he insists that 'ethically and professionally, no wrong was done'. Why? One: Das claims that a director od ICSEM, the institute which wrote the TAS report was 'involved' in the DMH report and hence the same data was incorporated! Two: Although the two projects are at different locations - over 100 kms apart - the 'data may not be radically at variance with each other' since this is a 'macro-level' study, the 'micro-level' research will be done next month'". (B. S. Nagaraj, The New Indian Express, 27 August 2000, p.1)
"Sudipto Das retorts that MPC submitted the executive summary of the project along with additional inputs on the region's general environmental status in the form of the REIA document for public information. He observes: 'This REIA document included project-specific issues, relevant information as per the guidelines required at this stage of the proposed project'. It was reviewed and approved for public release by the KSPCB, he says. 'Hence, allegations against E&Y by misinformed groups regarding plagiarism are unfounded'. According to him, a detailed environmental study being conducted will incorporate the issues raised by the general public during the public hearing, which was favourable to MPC, his client. 'This report' he adds, 'will be reviewed by the environmental experts' committee set up by the KSPCB and MoEF before according environmental clearance to the project'. (Sarosh Bana, Deputy Editor, Business India, October 2-15, 2000, p. 131)
"Top international accounting firm Ernst and Young has said it was rewriting an environmental impact report on a hydroelectric power project after accusations that it plagiarized a report on a different project 90 miles away. "We are investigating how this happened. The report was written and submitted in haste," said Kashi Nath Memani, the Ernst and Young director in New Delhi. "It’s a major embarrassment for us. We will be preparing another report and submitting it afresh." Memani however added, "I’m neither denying nor acknowledging these allegations." He said the report was prepared by one employee and was not checked by a supervisor. (The Economic Times and The Times of India, 03 September 2000.)
"Ernst & Young India has withdrawn the Rapid Impact Environment Assessment report for Murdeshwar Power Corporation Ltd. in Karnataka following an internal investigation. It was established that the person in-charge of the preparation of the report had trespassed all boundaries of the company's well laid-out internal review procedures and submitted this report on his own to the Murdeshwar Power Corporation.
It was found that the concerned executive, himself an expert in environmental engineering, did not comply with the guidelines for preparation & submission of such reports. The executive concerned, who joined Ernst Young India less than a year ago, has since tendered his resignation owning the moral responsibility for the goof-up.
We were appointed by the Bangalore based company to undertake a Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment for the Power project, which is planned to be undertaken by them. The acceptance of this assignment, its execution and the issue of the final report was undertaken by one employee in our Bangalore office in total violation of all the internal procedures related to the acceptance of clients, the execution of engagements, the review of draft reports and the relevant quality control procedures. The firm's procedures do not permit a single individual to undertake all these activities. The individual concerned signed and issued the report on his own. We have in a letter to the company as well as to the Karnataka Pollution Control Board explained the position.
The firm regrets the difficulties the report has caused to all those concerned including the public and the environmental groups, who have expressed concern about the report.
"I am qualified only to comment on the ecological aspects having worked in the Dandeli area during the late 1980's.
From a perusal of the TERI EIA it is obvious that the person who has done the flora/fauna is not a qualified biologist. Statements, such as, the forests here record "very less species per unit area" (Sec IV - 19) is absurd. Judging by the species (listed in the TERI EIA study), the forest is clearly a mosaic of deciduous and evergreen forests. Such forests are the richest in biodiversity in Uttara Kannada. Forest working plans published in 1993 (and used as basis of the TERI EIA study) might have been prepared years ago and hence with outdated information on plants and animals. To base species list on this is unwise.
Names of species are erroneous, sometimes outdated and even non-existent in reality. Plant names are full of spelling and classification errors. List of fishes of River Kali is dubious. Sole (Cynoglossus lingua Ham.) is a marine estuarine species and it can hardly exist in the proposed site. There are no lung fishes in India! (as claimed to exist in Sec IV - 34 of TERI EIA).
Crocodiles in Kali River? Where exactly? This is news! Source has not been provided for Bird List Karwar-Haliyal area even when there are specific lists for Dandeli prepared by a student of Univ. of Karnataka in Dharwar, (perhaps) in 1989. There are not more than 150 species of birds in the area (in contrast to the TERI EIA claims that 233 bird species are found in the Dandeli Dam Study Area) and the (bird) list (in the TERI report) is copied without acknowledgement.. Gallus gallus: Red Jungle Fowl, is not known from the State of Karnataka (as claimed to exist in Dandeli vide Table 4.14; Sec. IV - 35 of the TERI EIA). New records of species (as claimed to have been the result of the TERI EIA study), indicated with *, are well known in the district even 100 years ago! Further, there cannot be many of these species in the study area. Such compilations don't help.
Too few butterflies. Many common butterfly species missed out.
There are no 'herds' of elephants, in Dandeli (as claimed in the TERI EIA). 10-12 years ago there was one herd with less than 20 individuals around Haliyal. And, there are no foxes! Snake list consists of only the most common species (while the area has) many more. For eg. Even the more commonly occurring Pit Vipers are not listed?
Amphibian data is spurious. Ansonia ornata, Bufo microtympanum are not known from the district. (as claimed to exist in Dandeli in Table 4.17, Sec IV - 43 of the TERI EIA)
In general, the ecological data presented is secondary and spurious. And thus, recommendations based on these can't be taken seriously."
"Concealing factual data or submission of false, misleading data/reports, decisions or recommendations would lead to the project being rejected. Approval , if granted earlier on the basis of the false data would also to be revoked. Misleading and wrong information will cover the following :
Leo F. Saldanha 05 January 2001
Environment Support Group ®, S-3, Rajashree Apartments,
18/57, 1st Main, S. R. K. Gardens, Jayanagar, Bannerghatta Road,
Bangalore 560 041. Telefax: 91-80-6341977. Email: