Release : 15 March 2004
‘Celebrating Cauvery’
Deputy Conservator of Forests, Wildlife Division, Kanakapura was handed on 14th
March 2004 over ten garbage sacks full of filthy plastics, paper plates, PET
bottles, alcohol bottles, etc. by the Environment Support Group. This unique
action was undertaken on the occasion of the 7th International Day of Action
Against Dams: For Rivers, Water and Life to highlight the need for urgent action
to clean up the Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary, in particular Sangama (Mekedaatu),
the confluence of Cauvery and Arkavathi rivers, by declaring it a Litter Free
Zone. Only such action would help protect wildlife from hazards caused by waste,
and this way the river would also be protected from long term effects of pollution.
The collected garbage came from only a quarter kilometer area of Sangama, which
is an indication of how much more there is to be removed over a larger area.
The team promised to return with more volunteers soon to scour the entire region
for garbage, unless the Forest Department took immediate action in ensuring
the Sanctuary is free of waste. The Forest Dept was also urged to provide facilities
to cater to thousands of picnickers who come here every weekend, so that they
not only enjoy nature’s splendour, but also develop a deeper understanding
of the value of nature. In this regard it urged the Department to set up environmental
educational and camping facilities that would be affordable to all.
ESG organized this programme to highlight the serious threats that rivers face from a variety of developments. City and industrial wastes enter rivers freely causing irreparable damage to the life it supports, with little regulation or action against polluters. Big dams, meanwhile, are proposed in plenty, now under the guise of interlinking of rivers, promoted as a panacea for all our water shortages, when technically, ecologically and socially it is not at all feasible. Their only result seems to completely destroy the very structure and flow of a river along with its forests and villages. Cauvery is a river that is under such pressure today, with more demands made of it, even as it supports amongst the highest densities of urban and rural populations.
Cauvery and Arkavathy are the lifelines of Bangalore and the city’s future depends on how well we maintain the quality of these rivers and their watersheds. ESG’s actions on Rivers Day were an effort to impress upon the public that Cauvery is not merely the water that flows out of our taps or a conduit for our refuse but to present the stark reality that the consequences of the present neglect of Cauvery would cause severe adverse repercussions on all who depend on it.
Our relationship with Cauvery has to be more fundamental and celebratory. “Celebrating Cauvery” was how ESG began the commemoration of the International Rivers Day on 13 March by, organizing programmes for students at Vikasana School, which trains students in holistic ecological and community development. Children in the age group of 2-15 participated in innovative interactions “Celebrating Cauvery” and the day was filled by ‘Rivers of Pictures and Flow of Words’. Vikasana kindly consented to allow their school walls to be painted by children’s representations of Cauvery in their lives, which will remain in permanent display. Students also participated in role playing various contenders representing Cauvery’s uses, and learnt to appreciate the complexities involved and the nature of the politics that determine our relationship with her. At the end of the day, the objective was well fulfilled: to build awareness amongst children of Cauvery’s ecological problems, and to make them responsible citizens of future for tomorrow’s water. They raised voices in unison against destructive water development projects, urged reclaiming of the health of rivers and watersheds, and demanded equitable and sustainable management of water projects.
The programme was supported by Canara Bank.
Pictures of the events are available in high resolution digital format, on request.
Bhargavi S. Rao Sarita
Madhuri Xalxo
Harminder Kaur
Environment Support Group
S-3, Rajashree Apartments,
18/57, 1st Main Road, S. R. K. Gardens,
Jayanagar, Bannerghatta Road,
Bangalore 560041. INDIA.
Telefax: 91-80-26341977/26534364/26531339